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At what point in my pregnancy should I hire you?

You can book me anytime during your pregnancy. I recommend booking in the 2nd trimester, so that we can have time to get to know each other and to make sure I am available. If you are already postpartum and wanting to hire me, then reach out as soon as you can. I can help out anytime from birth to 2 years postpartum.

What does a typical visit look like?

I will arrive planning on being there for 4 hours. I will come in, put on some slippers or non-slip socks, and wash my hands. I will ask you how you are feeling, if you've been getting rest, and how healing is going. I will ask about how your baby is doing, and if you have any concerns. This can all be done while I do a task like folding laundry or putting away dishes. Then I will make sure you have water, and a snack or meal if you need it. Some days will be more about getting the household in order, and some days will be running an errand for you, or letting you get some rest or a shower while I take care of baby. It is up to you what you would like me to do. I will jump in where I see a need that I can fill.

What should I do to prepare before you come?

Nothing. Yup, that's right! I do not want you to do anything special before I arrive. I hope to arrive to you in pajamas with a house that is ready for me to pick up. This is simply a messy stage of life, and I don't want your focus to be on impressing me when you have a lot more important work to be doing - bonding with your baby and resting. This is your journey, and I am there to support you during it.

Are you covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, I am not covered by insurance. There are strides being made for doulas to be covered by insurance, that will hopefully be realized in the coming years. You can always call your insurance to ask them, as it brings their attention to this issue. I can be paid through HSA/FSA's however, and I am open to discussing payment plans and trades.


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